How it Works

While exploring our website or booking with WOW, you will probably come across a section of our retreats or surf camps that presents a status of ‘green’, ‘yellow’ or ‘red’ for that particular trip. In order to provide the best experiences possible for our guest we not only cap our camps and retreats with a maximum amount of participants, but we also require a minimum to run our trips most effectively. Here is a quick breakdown of how things work:

GREEN-CONFIRMED: If the trip is green when you sign up, this means the requirement for the minimum number of people has been met and the retreat/camp is confirmed to go ahead for the dates scheduled. Any deposits made for trips designated as ‘green-confirmed’ are non-refundable.

BLUE-SCHEDULED: If the status is blue it means the trip is scheduled, however we do not have the minimum number of guests required to confirm the trip 100%. Once we meet this number, the status will change to green and everyone who has paid a deposit will be notified. If we have not met the required number of participants 90 days prior to the scheduled start date, the trip may be cancelled. In such unfortunate event we notify all participants and you will have the option of a full refund of your deposit (in addition to any other portion of your trip that has been paid), or you may choose to transfer your credit to a future trip or retreat.

RED-CANCELLED OR RESCHEDULED: These are trips that have been cancelled, whether we did not meet the minimum requirement to run the trip or something else unexpected has come up. In the rare event of a trip being cancelled after confirmation or within 90 days of departure, all participants will receive a full refund including deposit and any payments made up to that point.

Important: Please refrain from purchasing airline tickets until the trip status is ‘green’. This will help you avoid any change/cancellation fees with the airlines. We will always notify you no later than 90 days prior to departure which is usually plenty of time to secure a ticket for your desired date and take advantage of any off-season/promotional rates that may apply.

There’s an FAQ section at the bottom of this page in case you’re still curious…

Deposits: We require deposits as a show of commitment to the experience offered as well as a means to secure the best locations and accommodations available, well in advance for our guests. Things fill up fast here in Costa Rica, especially between December and May, even a year or two in advance for some places, so we encourage you to book your spot today if the waves of wanderlust are pulling you. This ensures that our groups come together and can begin to prepare for their experience with one another sooner than later.

*Remaining balances are due no later than 30 days prior to departure. All payments are subject to our refund policy.

Preparation: Once your deposit is paid you are officially on board and will begin to receive information from us including registration form and orientation packet that will have all the details you need for your trip with us. You’ll also have access to our amazing team, so anytime you have a question about surfing, lodging, or weather or whatever it is, you can get the answers you need. We’ll also add you to the designated WhatsApp group for your trip so you can start to get to know the people you’ll see and share waves with in a few months. Rest assured you will be fully prepared for the expected (as well as the unexpected) prior to departure.

*If you’d like to get a head start, most of our experiences have trip/destination guides available for download after signing up for our newsletter. Some of the information contained within these guides crosses over with our orientation guides for guests, so you can start to get an idea of the places we go, what they’re like and more about what we do.

Arrival: Your orientation guide as well as your WOW host(s) will have all the information you need to arrive at the retreat/camp. Depending on where the trip is located, transportation to and from may vary. Generally we require that guests make their own way to our lodge, however we do run shuttles from time to time and as well as offer transportation for private groups. If you need any assistance getting to us, please let us know and we can help you arrange your local transportation.

On Retreat: We are all about setting expectations when it comes to our experiences so much of what we have planned you’ll have seen and read a bit about prior to arrival. Then there’s the spontaneous, the impromptu run with friends along the beach during a downpour, stopping by a roadside stand for our favorite in-season fruits, or waking up at 4am see turtles nesting on the beach. These are the moments we live for, so be prepared to just go with it….we promise you wont be disappointed. We do our best to keep you informed with briefings and debriefings each day along with a daily schedule.

Keep in mind that while we do schedule down time into our experiences, we are also very active (surfing takes a lot out of you), so if you ever need to step away and take some additional time to rest or do an alternate activity, that’s fine. Everything we do is always optional. Above all our team will be with you 24/7 to address your needs, ensure that everything goes smoothly and you get the most out of your time with us.

Finding Resolutions: Is everything perfect? No. Do things come up? Of course. After all we are nestled right on the edge of the rainforest and beach; things are wild and unpredictable to say the least! Fortunately we operate as your full service travel planners, operators, and on site-concierge so anything you need during your stay, you can come to us and we’ll do our absolute best to accommodate you. If anything strays off course during your stay, we are here 24/7 to make the necessary adjustments to ensure that everyone’s stay is an enjoyable one.

Did we mention we live here? This means we know our way around a bit, along with the people and places we are introducing you to. Do we know it all? No. But what we do know is how to think strategically using the resources we have along with our experience to find solutions. Whether it’s misplaced medication, some serious sunburn, or just a comfier pillow, we’ve got you covered!

We will do our absolute best to update our website and status for our surf camps and retreats as frequently as possible. If you have any question about the status of a trip, please feel free to reach out

Frequently Asked Questions


Q. Should I just wait until a trip goes green to sign up?
A. No. If everyone waits until it goes green, it never will. If you’re drawn to one of our experiences, chances are you’re not the only one. We encourage you to make your deposit as generally others follow if they haven’t already. Remember, your deposit is protected, fully-refundable anytime prior to the trip going green, and always in the event that we have to cancel or reschedule.

Q. Can I get a refund for my deposit before the 90 day mark?
A. Yes and No. If your trip is yellow at the time of booking, yes you can absolutely get your deposit back anytime prior to the trip going ‘green’. Once ‘green’ all deposits are non-refundable. The same goes for trips designated as green at the time of booking; the deposit is non-refundable.

Q. Can I transfer my deposit for a trip that has been green-lighted?
A. In most cases yes. Just let us know a bit about your situation/reasoning and work with you to find a solution.

Q. What happens if I want to sign up for a trip within 30 days of departure?
A. In this case we’ll check to make sure there’s space available and then you would simply pay the full cost of the trip at the time of booking.

Q. Can I room with a friend or significant other if we are traveling together?
A. Of course. We will make every attempt to honor rooming requests. Keep in mind that these options may be limited in some places we host, simply due to the number of participants and limitations of our accommodation. The sooner you let us know the better, and it most if not all cases we can work something out for you!

A. My boyfriend wants to come along, but he doesn’t surf. Do you have a separate rate without the instructional surf?
Q. Officially no, we do not. However we can probably work something out for you so that the two of you can enjoy the experience here together. Let us know!

Q. Can I arrive before the start of my surf retreat?
A. Absolutely! Unfortunately we do not officially offer accommodations as an ad-on package to your experience, however we can definitely help you find, arrange, and secure something for the extended part of your stay.

Q. I want to visit other places in Costa Rica before or after surf camp. Where should I go?
A. WOW! There’s really so much to do and see, it really all depends on what you like. Fortunately for you our background and experience is in Costa Rica travel & tourism, not just surf travel. We would be more than happy to help you plan the rest of your vacation here in Costa Rica. Just get in touch and we’ll help you with everything from start to finish!

Q. What if I don’t get along with the person I’m sharing a room with? How do you handle conflict?
A. None of us are perfect and we all have our off days. These situations can usually be resolved with a little space, some good communication, and a lot of prayer! While we generally like to avoid conflict and work towards peace in order to preserve a positive experience for all, there are times where a change may be appropriate and available. Please note that we have no tolerance for physical violence, emotional or verbal abuse. In these cases, or where resolution is not found, guests may be asked to seek out alternative lodging at their own expense for the remainder of the experience or even be asked to leave completely. Above all this, each day we choose love.